Your Review to Sashiko items
Thank you very much for your interest in our Sashiko items & supplies. We sincerely appreciate your royalty to continue shopping from Sashi.Co & Keiko Futatsuya. This is a favor to ask. Please write your review to the Sashiko items & supplies you have purchased in past. We finally find time to invest in this website, and we made “review” option to spread the good quality of our supplies.
Since we are a small business, your review will help us to advertise our products. We really appreciate your time in writing a review & supporting us. Please find the procedure with screenshots below.
Review to Sashiko

Please visit the product page you would like to leave a review to. All of the products can be found here.

Please scroll down the product page. You should be able to find the 3 tabs, “Description”, “Additional Information” and then “Reviews”. Please click “Reviews”.

After clicking the “Reviews” tab, please choose the stars for your rating. 5-stars is the highest (best) in review. The stars will get slightly gray color after clicking it. (On smartphone screen, the number will get colored).
Please write your review on the field of “Your review”. The description will be displayed after you submit the review.
For the Name section, please write down the name you would like to be displayed. It does not have to be your real name. A nickname or Initials are just fine. The name will be displayed after you submit the review.
For the Email section, please provide your email address so that we can avoid the massive amount of spams. The email will not be displayed on the review section / product page.
After completing all the 3 necessary section, please click the “Submit”.

After your submission, the admin will review the contents to avoid the spams & harmful information. We will honor & respect your honest review, but we will not approve the non-related comment & reviews.

After the admin approve the review, the name and the contents will be displayed with the star rating. This complete the reviewing process. Thank you very much for your time in reviewing the product & supporting our journey.
We have “Zero” advertisement budget
In 2018, we decided to have no-budge for listing advertisement online. We keep advertising our supreme quality Sashiko supplies and Sashiko items that we are very much proud of by using our time instead of money via uploading the website, sharing more stories, and introducing many photos on SNS.
Your review will be the great support in our advertisement campaign. Please let us know if there is anything we can improve.
We sincerely hope to serve you when you are in need of Sashiko supplies. Again, thank you very much for your interest & support to our business.
Keiko Futatsuya / 二ツ谷恵子
(Translated by Atsushi)
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